Vitamin D in COVID19 Times

HOW: spend time outside or take Vit-D supplements orally. Daily maintenance of vitamin d is recommended in order to have the optimal protective/preventative effects.

There is mounting clinical evidence showing that Vitamin D prevents the cytokine storm and much of what we already know about this vitamin’s role in our immune system today doesn’t surprise experts.

This video is a great summary of how Vitamin D prevents cytokine storms which is known to be caused by COVID19:

Covid-19: Emerging Evidence Suggests Role for Vitamin D in Coronavirus Severity

Is a “Cytokine Storm” Relevant to COVID-19?,chemokines%2C%20and%20several%20other%20mediators.

NIH Study: “Vit D has been widely implicated in enhancing the immune response and suppressing the cytokine storm. It’s deficiency has been linked to increased susceptibility to viral infections”. Source:
How: spend 20 minutes under sunlight each day, or take vitamin D orally. Specifically, it is important to consistently regulate your vitamin D levels (sunlight daily